22nd May, 2019

Funding the tools for improved learning systems

Holding your fingers up to your face reveals a fine set of patterned lines. We all know these fine lines are unique from person to person – they’re our fingerprints. As many human beings as there are on earth, there are unique fingerprint patterns. It is astounding to think of, but it is as true as the blue sky.

Dermatoglyphics (the study of finger, hand, and foot patterns) reveals that there is more to it than meets the eye. As unique as your handprint patterns may be, so are each person’s learning potentials, and the methods in which they absorb information. In fact, there is an interesting link between the patterns on your hands and your brain’s learning abilities. Knowing this, it seems unreasonable to expect each child to learn in the same structured manner.

How to accommodate more learning styles in our schools

Is it any wonder a vast number of children are battling in school? What if we were to restructure this rigid version of schooling into something that adapts to each child’s learning style? What would that take from us? Funding is usually the first item that comes to mind. These steps will help with that process.

1. It starts with a conversation

First, a discussion needs to be had. The discussion will address the needs of the learners, especially around the forms of technology that could be used to facilitate a wider range of learning methods: visual, auditory, and self-experimentation (hands-on). Sometimes, transforming learning methods is not about emphasising technology as much as introducing new learning areas. For example, a robotics class would appeal to those who learn by doing, without needing to make special considerations.

2. Before you apply for funding, try a little experimentation

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As much as each learner is unique, there’s no one-size-fits-all educational method either. For that reason, you have to remain open to a trial and error phase. Start small, by introducing new learning areas (as mentioned above). Adding new forms of technology may be difficult, especially from a funding perspective. Self-planned fundraisers to purchase tablets or other types of learning technology is a starting point. If their use reveals positive results, approaching potential companies for assistance with funding becomes easier.

3. Finding the funding to make it work

Finding financial aid to make these changes might be the biggest challenge. It’s not easy when you need to consider the various income brackets various children in each class come from. Some may be able to afford the latest and newest while others might be battling to afford basics. It makes more sense to order devices on a loan basis from a company; that way each one is identical to the next.

Is the idea of change overwhelming?

We understand the challenges most schools face. Schools that choose to stay in the old system will continue to see students who simply cannot succeed. But making the change seems so complicated. Schools who want to facilitate different learning methods may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of change. At Nvoke, we offer a bridge of guidance and assistance through the transition, and after it is done. Get in touch for more information at www.nvokepartners.com/contact/